It was therefore a little surprising to find 63% of the vote saying 'yes', private sellers should be listed on portals. This comes at a time when Upad are getting a bashing over in the forums of the EAT for listing private sellers.
Peter Knight of the Academy was also recently speaking of changing times within the foundations of the industry and how business is conducted using Zoopla as an example. Indeed, times are changing dramatically and it is surely probable that one will see most, if not all, of the portals listing private sellers in some way shape or form within 2009.
The votes speak for themselves:

I 100% agree with it there should be room for everybody in any market. Some that want to put the effort in and others that do it for you.
I 100% agree with it there should be room for everybody in any market. Some that want to put the effort in and others that do it for you.
Property search engines probably will. A search engine is meant to see all content not just 'some' content. Portals however have a difficult time with this one as entire content is 'paid for' by agents. They can justify saying my listings cannot be next to SBO. But then lots of agents don't see SBO as a real threat. Chicken egg etc. Not sure what will happen on that side.
No. Right move has grown from estate agents help and should stay loyal to them. Estate agents are having a hard enough time as it is. Maybe if there was more competition out there for right move I would agree. I think if people were to start listing their own properties the market would become very messy with wrong information all over the place.
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