Monday, 29 September 2008

Globrix Blog

The Globrix Blog is coming to life.

We look forward to seeing the developments and we were trying to leave a nice welcome message (akin to delivering a cake to a new neighbour) but the spam checker (please enter these random letters tool) was driving us insane. It is a two word affair that didn't seem to like us and after the sixth attempt we gave up and resorted to a post.

An earlier Globrix post suggested it was great having a large tech team always free to develop new widgets, so please ask them very politely to change the spam checker to a more friendly one. Cheers.

To answer one of our reader's comments who challenged whether Globrix Blog was, in fact, a blog as it didn't have a rss feed, I guess you can say it is now and perhaps voting in our poll will pick up for them.


PoppyD said...

Hey Property Owl,

Apologies! We haven't built our blog using WP/TypePad/Blogger etc but rather gone about it on our own by creating our own blogging platform, and it's having a couple of teething issues. One was with the comment section, so we put the re-captcha in to prevent spam whilst we fiddled about...if it's annoying we'll get rid of it. I promise!

Poppy :-D

Anonymous said...

That was me.
Thank's PoppyD for the RSS. I subscribed already!


Property Owl said...

Hi Poppy

Thanks for the feedback and we look forward to seeing you work your magic on the Globrix blog.

Spam word verification is sadly here to stay and the two word ones I guess offer greater security (twitter use the same as your one I note) but some are better/clearer than others. I am sure there are a million blogs on the best of the best and perhaps someone will post on the same. I would, but don't think I could contain the excitment.
