Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Asda Property Portal

I have just spotted a new property portal from Asda

I saw them advertising online along with a press release that states they are offering a ‘… combination of in-store display pods and an online property portal backed by the considerable weight of the ASDA brand..’.

Now I don’t doubt the weight of the Asda brand, but ‘in-store’ pods? Turning to the online property portal I was expecting to see a deal with one of the new portals or at least a feed from someone, but my first few searches produced this wonderful message:

‘sorry no matching properties, thousands loading over next few weeks’.

Good start!

I am not sure really what is going on here and why they are spending on online advertising when there is nothing to see? Perhaps this is all a Tesco/Spicerhaart stunt, who knows. I contacted Asda, but no feedback yet.

With reference to the private seller issue, it would appear that if, as an individual, I want to sell my home I pay the monthly charge to Asda, but then Asda put me in touch with an agent that will only charge 1% commission. Again, another marketing classic is the statement that you can advertise all your properties in-store and online for ‘less’ than £35 per week.

It is all a little vague and I want to see an in-store home pod, so the first person to send me a picture of the pod, in store, I will send them a bottle of champagne.

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