Saturday, 23 February 2008

Seth Godin on Real Estate

The Future of Real Estate Marketing has a recent post on comments from a favourite of mine, Seth Godin. These comments are relevant as they apply to real estate agents and whilst the future of real estate marketing correctly states that they are comments heard before by realtors they have not been heard enough within the UK.

I mentioned a while back in my UK realtors post that there was an opportunity for DEAs to become what I am calling UK realtors and this is just the type of advice I was referring to in that post. Indeed, if I am single agent with a good website I should be selling my strengths, one of which ought to be my local knowledge. Even if I am an estate agency practice I should be commenting on my local area and looking to promote my site, my knowledge, my business through all media channels. I should have a facebook page, a blog, be listed on diggit,, be a member of the real estate community and all the others. This has never been more important than in the current climate. Estate agents who survive will be those with active participation in such media spaces.

I will be making further posts on the importance of online marketing for estate agents along with some thoughts on how best to achieve this within the UK market, but for any estate agent wanting to develop their online marketing in the meantime there is a mass of information available and I can think of no better starting point than the future of real estate marketing and of course Property Owl.

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