Well, have a look at this picture of just outside our office. We put up this sign to stop people smoking (sad authoritar

An effective sign!!!
But does this mean that all signs are ignored or is just those that prohibit an action? Indeed, do punters ignore agents’ boards? Boards have been around for decades and they are still ruthlessly staple gunned, cable tied, cemented in to a property before the punter has even left the agents! Do users take any notice, how does a board stand out, get noticed? Given people are normally looking for property and thus looking for signs it is reasonable to assume they will get noticed, but what then.
We are offering all our agents a text board service to tie to their boards. Basically a picture of a phone with a text number (we don’t get a choice on the cut out - I would have had a four foot bright yellow kangaroo if we did) and users simply text the code and receive the price, the description and a few pics. Although mobile is coming at pace, there may still be a place for boards, just different information being displayed on the old faithfuls?
GPS, information sent to you as you wander the streets and other exciting stuff all to follow as reported by Joel Burslem on the future of real estate marketing on 12 November 2007 http://www.futureofrealestatemarketing.com/tag/google-android/
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