Monday 6 April 2009

Not enough property to go around

There are apparently now around 11,000 real estate agents in the UK, which has a population of 60 million odd. That is roughly 5,454 people for each agent. Not bad, but then consider the following:

Land registry data shows only 30,000 odd properties were sold in January 2009 within the UK. That is an average of 2 properties per agent for January and is just 0.05% of the population selling.

Just a bit of fun with stats, but it makes one sit back and think just how dire the market may be and why lettings is an attractive alternative, which of course I don't have the stats for.


Property Search said...

i would like to oppose this fact

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, could you direct me to the info about 10,000 agents, because I thought it was way more?

Property Owl said...

Hi Property Search. Please oppose away, which fact would you like to oppose and why?

With reference to the query from Anonymous. The blog said 11,000 and the issue of the number of agents/offices is always a controversial one. As you may know, as with much in this industry there is not a defining set of stats. Perhaps I should have mentioned that 11,000 means offices and not individual agents. Punch into google estate agent numbers and you will receive a wide range of numbers. Indeed, a report in the Telegraph last December stated that 4,000 offices had closed and 32,000 agents lost their jobs. It used to be a rule of thumb that there were around 15,000 offices. If you have any further data or knowledge, please share.

Sell and Rent Back said...

There are far too many estate agents. If you look at any high street there is always at least one. I have noticed recently though that many are shutting down. There is just not enough demand currently to keep them all open.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like 11,000 too many